

Hello! Welcome to my new blog! This is kind of an experimental thing, just testing the waters. I have created this page to provide reviews of the things I read and watch, which vary from genre to genre. I enjoy anything, mostly. From reality TV to Sit-Coms to Teen Dramas, all the way to my favorite: Superhero TV shows. When it comes to movies, I watch anything that seems interesting to me. I enjoy superhero films, of course. But I also enjoy horror, comedic movies, as well as even some Rom-Coms. So, this page is an outlet for me to share my thoughts, opinions and reviews on the things I love and enjoy; and in turn I hope to help others decide what to watch when they've hit a dead end on what to watch on Saturday nights, or binge watch on their day off. Please! Come in and tell me what you think! I'll gladly accept any and all feedback, good or bad! Signing Off, The Kryptonian Satyr AKA TKS